Haco Kingsland


PractiX 285.230 G pulldown is a band saw suitable for usage in assembly and workshop. Its frame is made from grey casting and is resistant to vibrations. Downfeed of frame to the cut is performed manually.

Machine is equipped with 2-speed electric motor. Saw frame can be easily turned up to 60° and accuracy of cuts is supported by precise hard-metal guiding of the saw band. Material clamping in the vice is performed very easily via a lever.

PractiX 285.230 G manual is a band saw designed for universal usage in assembly and workshop. Downfeed to the cut is performed via own weight of the saw frame. Downfeed speed is hydraulically regulated via bypass cylinder. After the cut is finished, the saw band stops running, so permanent control is not necessary. Saw frame can be turned up to 60° and accuracy of angle cuts is supported by precise hard-metal guiding of the band. Material can be clamped in the vice very easily via a lever.
